June 21: Kanagawa University of Human Services School of Health Innovation

Kanagawa Prefecture Cancer Center and Kanagawa University of Human Services School of Health Innovation

Collage of students presenting in front of a PowerPoint presentationToday we spent the day with the wonderful professors, students, and employees from the Kanagawa Prefecture Cancer Center and the University of Human Services School of Health Innovation. In the morning we had the opportunity to learn about the groundbreaking work being done in the science of cancer in the older population here in Japan and how that can support future breakthroughs. We visited labs and their outpatient centers and were able to see what a typical day looks like for outpatient cancer patients receiving infusion therapy or visiting their physician.

In the afternoon we once again sat down with the students, professors, and employees of Kanagawa University to learn about their innovative university which is offering their diverse student population studies in health innovation. We were also able to each share about our own research and backgrounds with the participants before having time to network and take a short tour. This also included an information session about the programs at UMBC from two of our leaders, Dr. Diane Martin and Dr. Flavius Lilly. We traveled back the way we had come our very first night in Japan and realized how close we are to ending our time here. We continue to learn so much from each other and the amazing individuals who have given their time, heartfelt welcome, and lent their expertise so that we can learn how to make this world a better place to grow and age.

Tiffany Wood-Hom
MS in Palliative Care Student at UM School of Pharmacy

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